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Môj pohľad na vzájomný vzťah človeka a prírody

Filozofia, 75 (2020), 10, 892 – 898.
Typ článku: Eseje

The main problem which the author solves in this essay, is the question, why man (Homo Sapiens) has so much devastated the nature in the Modern Age. His answer is that humans have always been interfering in nature, however, in the Modern Age science has helped them a lot. For a very long time, humans have not been aware of the fact that they are is devastating the nature to a great extent. The nature is sharply reacting to this situation now. It is just only a question of time whether mankind will be able to adjust to this new situation. In this sense, science can really be helpful! If not, man may even perish...

Kľúčové slová

Evil, Good, Man, Nature, Paradox

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