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Budoucnost lidstva za soumraku éry národních států: Předpoklady a vyhlídky kosmopolitní konstelace

Filozofia, 74 (2019), 2, 81-94.
Typ článku: State

Jürgen Habermas, in his concepts of constitutional patriotism and postnational constellation, responds to two significant features of globalization: the growing plurality of life forms and modes and the shock of basic functions and legitimacy of national states as the basic political unit. The plurality of life forms is the culmination of a process that in modernity led to separation of law from morality. According to Habermas, lawfulness can now be based on the moral universalism of human rights and freedoms. The vision of postnational constellation is then linked to the democratization of globalization processes. I postulate that Habermas's ideas need to be radicalized, socialized and modernized in the face of the fundamental challenges of social, ecological and cultural justice and sustainability, and the risks which global society faces and will face. I point out the need for democratization of politics and economics as a prerequisite for global social justice enshrined in human rights. The national state's perspective does not allow adequate insight and negotiation, therefore it is necessary to overcome it towards cosmopolitanism, which avoids authoritarianism and centrism by its attempt at pluralistic universalism achieved through intercultural dialogue with respect for the principle of justice and sustainability. The assumption is abandonment methodological nationalism and decolonization thinking.

Kľúčové slová

Cosmopolitanism, Decolonial thinking, Democracy, Global justice, Jürgen Habermas, Postnational constellation

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