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Terminologické neologizmy Martina Heideggera

Filozofia, 63 (2008), 2, 109-121.
Typ článku: State

Understanding the intellectual structure of Heidegger’s philosophy, famous for its unique language, requires inventive interpretative and translatological efforts, especially in appropriately decoding its special terminological neologisms. The paper focuses on unveiling the specific aspects of Heidegger’ idiolect, on the semantic and context analyses of the selected neosemantisms, the discussion of the adaptation and specialization processes of ordinery lexemes and etymons, as well as intentional using of the genetic motivation. The procedures and various ways of constituting the terminological neologisms are presented. Attention is paid also to the terms with an atypical configuration of the word-making means, and to the unconventional two-word constructions. In addition to reconstructing the meaning of Heidegger’s neosemantisms their translation is also considered. Some appropriate Slovak equivalents are suggested, mainly those related to similar terms.

Kľúčové slová

Terminological neologism, Ordinary Appellative, Semantization, Synchronic and genetic motivation, Semes structure, Context analysis

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