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Tasks of the Methodology of Social Sciences in the Social Reconstruction

(Original title: Úlohy metodológie spoločenských vied v spoločenskej pre­stavbe)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 3, 295-305.
Type of work: Papers - The Problem of Methodology of Social Sciences
Publication language: Slovak

In the paper the social reconstruction is characterized to which the strategy of acceleration of the social-economic development of socialist countries as well as the reconstruction of social sciences (the turn of social sciences towards practice, the turn of practice towards social sciences, substantial changes of the relationship of natural, social and technical sciences) is oriented. A program of the construction of the Marxist-Leninist methodology of social sciences is outlined here. The key-factors of this program are: the working up of the theory of the law in social sciences (the factual, idealized and immanent law) and of the theory of social cognition (the empirical, theoretical and practical-spiritual activity), the organic interconnection of the philosophical, general scientific level of methodology, the elaboration of methods of the interdisciplinary research of complex problems and formation of the methodology of a complex research of the socialist society. The paper shows what has been materialized under the conditions of the Slovak Socialist Republic.

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