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Volume 63 (2008), 5


(Original title: Komplementarita metafyziky a teológie podľa Jána Dunsa Scota)
Filozofia, 63 (2008), 5, 433-443.

For Duns Scotus the relationship between metaphysics and theology is the one between „the natural“ and „the supra-natural“. „The theology in itself“ as well as „the metaphysics in itself“ are the examples of a perfect cognition of their subjects: they grasp all truths embodied in their subjects „propter quid“. „Our theology“ and „our metaphysics“, however, grasp… Read more

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(Original title: Spĺňa teológia Aristotelove kritériá pre teoretickú vedu? Diskusia medzi Tomášom Akvinským a Jánom Dunsom Scotom)
Filozofia, 63 (2008), 5, 444-457.

The paper offers a comparison of two different approaches in Medieval thought to a theoretical science, both drawing from Aristotle. It also discusses the influence these approaches exercised on the understanding of the scientific status of theology. It outlines Thomas Aquinas’s conception of the theology as a science, followed by its critique by John Duns Scotus… Read more

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