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Volume 42 (1987), 2

Papers - Dialectics of the Contemporary Stage of the Development of Socialism

(Original title: Revolučne tvorivý, dialektický prístup k sociálno-ekonomickému rozvoju)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 2, 161-175.

The subject-matter of the paper is an analysis and tasks of the socialist type of social development under conditions of the contemporary stage of the development of the Czecho-Slovak society in the context of the economic and global social development. Social development is understood as a relatively independent sectional sphere of the society. The author… Read more

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(Original title: Dialektika potrieb a záujmov v procese rozvoja socialistickej osobnosti)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 2, 176-190.

The search for connections between dialectics of needs and interests and the development of man follows from the materialist conception of history, from the objective-social, psycho-cognitive character of the human individuality that in relation to the external objective world, in the process of its modification and also of his self-formation, his self-… Read more

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(Original title: Vplyv materiálnych podmienok na rozvoj subjektivity v socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 2, 191-199.

The author considers the decisive role of material production, working activity in the formation of the stages of development of human subjectivity to be his point of departure. Starting from the contradiction of the economic subjectivity of the epoque of capital and the subjectivity of social work in the communist society he outlines the historically concrete… Read more

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(Original title: Stratégia urýchlenia a prestavba socialistických spoločenských vzťahov)
Filozofia, 42 (1987), 2, 200-211.

The revolutionary character of the reconstruction consists in the fact the the communist party consciously accentuates the necessity of the transition to a qualitatively new state of the society under given concrete-historical conditions. The sources of the acceleration of the social-economic development are not only powerful production forces, but first of all… Read more

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