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Volume 73 (2018), 6


(Original title: Moderný návrat k Aristotelovi: hylomorfné verzus historické esencie)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 425-436.

Anti-essentialism is a consensus in biology. Nevertheless, attempts to restore essentialism not only in philosophy of science, but also in philosophy of biology have begun to appear in the past two-three decades. In this study, we compare two neoAristotelian concepts of biological essence: the concept of historical essences (Sýkora 1995) and the concept of… Read more

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(Original title: Nové formy života? Filozofické reflexie syntetickej biológie)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 437-448.

The contribution´s focus is primarily on ontological and anthropological issues which appear in a new research field, namely synthetic biology. Since one of the objectives of the latter is creating new forms of life, it is the criteria for defining the ontological status of synthetically created organisms as well as for differentiating between complex living… Read more

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(Original title: Neuroadministratívne zariadenia a autonómia subjektu)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 449-457.

The article deals with the relationship between a neuro administrative device and personal autonomy. As a rule, neuro administrative devices are supposed to endanger personal autonomy. We indicate three functions of neuro administrative devices as related to personal autonomy. We argue that the automatization function of neuro administrative devices does not… Read more

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(Original title: Minulé životy Johna Locka: morálna zodpovednosť a pamäťové kritérium osobnej identity)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 458-468.

One of the John Locke´s most controversial claims is that we should not be held responsible for the deeds of which we genuinely have no recollection as performed. We are only responsible for the acts of which we are conscious. The reason behind is the assertion that the personal identity equals the identity of consciousness. This concept of person is the… Read more

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(Original title: Dummett o kruhovosti pri argumentovaní)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 469-480.

This paper deals with the distinction between two roles of a deductive argument in the communication: explanatory and suasive. The distinction was hinted out by Michael Dummett, in his The justification of deduction. The paper attempts to show various controversial consequences of the distinction. For example, there is a belief that, regarding the arguments used… Read more

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(Original title: Damasio, A.: The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 481-484.
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(Original title: Sørensen, A. D.: Plato on Democracy and Political techné)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 485-487.
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(Original title: Fraňo, P.: Ciceronove Stoické paradoxy)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 488-490.
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(Original title: Charvát, M.: O nových médiích, modularitě a simulaci)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 491-495.
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Scientific Events

(Original title: Medzinárodný workshop o evolúcii rituálov)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 496-498.
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(Original title: Pozvánka na konferenciu SFZ: Intuícia a imaginácia vo filozofii a vede)
Filozofia, 73 (2018), 6, 500.
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