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Common Nature with Ian Duns Scotus - Ord. II D.3 P.1 Q.1 N.1 - 42

(Original title: Chápanie spoločnej prirodzenosti podľa Jána Dunsa Scota - Ord. II D.3 P.1 Q.1 N.1 - 42)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 5, 293-304.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

Scotus' theory of common nature is a fundamental problem for his theory of individuation and for the problem of universals. Seven arguments are used to prove its minor and real unity beyond the mind. As such it is an object of the intellect, of the metaphysics, expressed in the definition. Common nature as such is indifferent to the mode of singularity and universality; it functions as the real correlate of our concepts. The problem of common nature is connected with the problem of the universals. The universals have their real correlates in common nature, which can be conceived on abstract level by the intellect. The universality does not exist in the things, it arises only in the intellect. Thus the universal concepts can be predicated concerning the thing beyond the mind. Scotus thus overcomes "nominalism" and "realism" and creates his own new and original conception.

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