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Publication Details

On Problems of Freedom and the Freedom of Criticism

(Original title: K problematike slobody a slobody kritiky)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 156-165.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak
In the first part the author is concerned with philosophical category of freedom and its relation to necessity. He holds that there is dialectical correlation between freedom and the recognition of necessity. Both categories cannot be considered as either identical or as isolated. In order to support this opinion he makes use of Engels’s views on this problem, developed in his work „Anti-Dühring“. In the second part he deals with 'the problem of the freedom of criticism. In this connection he points out to the thoughts of Marx and Lenin which bear on this question. He shows the freedom of criticism is determined by epistemological and social factors whereby the freedom of criticism consists in the possibility to act “freely“ within the framework of the given determination. Man has possibility to choose between various alternatives by decision-acts. If he decides to take one or some other alternative he must follow the chosen alternative in his activity. There exists certain pluralism of possibilities, but “monism“ of activity, of deed.
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