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Abstract Humanism as the Theoretical Basis of the so-called Socialism “with Human Face“

(Original title: Abstraktní humanismus jako teoretický základ tzv. socialismu „s lidskou tváří“)
Filozofia, 29 (1974), 4, 370-377.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Czech
Abstract humanism in our social conditions has manifested itself as a specific form of revisionism, developing on the neo-Hegelian and existentional fundaments. The heralds of abstract humanism misunderstood the object of philosophy and reduced it to a specifically conceived philosophical anthropology. At the same time they refused the substance of the marxist-leninist approach to society and ignored the dialetical-materialistic theory of abstraction. The conceptions of anthropological revisionism represented also the wrong theory of man. Man is not understood here in unity of his basic determinations, i. e. as a summary of social relations and as an active creature. The human substance is, in these conceptions, mystified as a determination of a separately taken individual. One-sided anti-etatism and anti-institutionalism represented a significant part of anthropological revisionism. The heralds of abstract humanism mystified the active substance of man, metaphysically separated the objective and the subjective.
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