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Filozofické aktivity sociológa A. Hirnera

Filozofia, 58 (2003), 10, 690-702.
Typ článku: State

The Slovak sociologist Alexander Hirner (1911 - 1987) has been practising in the 1940's and 1950's also philosophy (in projecting-organisational, historical-philosophical and axiological spheres). Thanks to him in the fisrt Slovak Catholic oriented philosophical journal (Filozofický zborník Matice slovenskej) the domination of the religious philosophy was overthrown and the journal became largely pluralistic, allowing for more discussion and criticism. In the history of philosophy Hirner focused on the Enlightenment in Slovakia. He paid special attention to the efforts of its main representatives, trying to articualte their own philosophical stands and views. Due to his attempts a discussion of methodological problems of the history of Slovak philosophy began, in which he stood for objectivity in approaching historical facts, rejecting at the same time schematism, sociologism and nihilism in understanding and evaluation of the philosophical developments in Slovakia. In 1942 he published an essay on values, one of the first works in Slovakia introducing this problematics. In the totalitarian period his views conflicted with those of the political authorities. As a conseqence in 1958 - 1966 he became a victim of a politically arranged trial.

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