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Volume 77 (2022), 7

Original Articles

(Original title: Argument a jeho podoby vo filozofii vedy)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 7, 473 - 490.

This paper compares several definitions of argument in the field of logic and argumentation theory in order to identify those defining features that are reflected in the notion of argument in the field of philosophy of science. An argument in philosophy of science has a standard structure that includes a non-empty set of premises and a conclusion, between which… Read more

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(Original title: K otázke povahy pojmov v sociálnom a humanitnom poznaní)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 7, 491 - 509.

The study investigates the problems of the nature of concepts in social sciences and humanities. It is based on Gallieʼs thesis that these are essentially contested concepts that immanently include a value aspect, which makes them different from the concepts of natural sciences. Based on the characteristics of such concepts and their exemplification (capital,… Read more

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(Original title: Sémantická informácia, misinformácia a dezinformácia)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 7, 510 - 530.

The presented paper advocates the unified account of semantic information, misinformation, and disinformation (3I) which uses “semantic correspondence” and “intention” understood as their main distinctive features. It is argued that the proposed approach is neutral about the misleadingness of messages and their meaning and about the evaluation of truthfulness of… Read more

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(Original title: Je Eulerova explanácia nemožnosti prechodu kráľoveckých mostov symetrická alebo asymetrická?)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 7, 531 - 544.

In this article I will focus on the analysis of a scientific explanation of an empirical event that has at least three different incompatible interpretations / reconstructions. This example in philosophical and scientific literature is known as Euler's explanation. However, this work will only follow the differences between Reutlinger’s and Lange’s and Woodwardʼs… Read more

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(Original title: Kontramožné kondicionály a neintuitívne úsudky)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 7, 545 - 557.

Counterpossible conditionals are a special kind of conditionals whose antecedents are necessarily false (impossible). There has been a long-standing debate about their nature. According to the supporters of the orthodox view (Lewis, Stalnaker, Williamson and others), they are only trivially or vacuously true. Opponents of the orthodox view (Berto, Jago, Sendłak,… Read more

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