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Publication Details

Anthropological-Ethical Problems in the Essays of Teodor Münz Published in the Journal Filozofia

(Original title: K antropologicko-etickým problémom v esejach Teodora Münza v časopise Filozofia)
Filozofia, 68 (2013), 8, 665-678.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

The paper deals with the anthropological-ethical problems as articulated in the sketches of the Slovak philosopher Teodor Münz published in the 1990s in the journal Filozofia. Its focus is on Münz’s radical approach to human reason, his demystification of its capacities and consequently his innovative understanding of human condition. In addition to that Münz’s insufficiently justified views are critically reviewed as possible subjects of further debates.


Anthropology, Ethics, Humans, Nature, Reason, Teodor Münz

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