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Positive and Negative Dialectics

(Original title: Pozitivna a negatívna dialektika)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 1, 27-40.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
The present state is being evaluated and a starting point for solving the problem of dialectics as a basic component of methodology and philosophy of science is looked for. Positive (logical) and negative (paradoxical) dialectics is distinguished in it. A principal difference of these two interpretations of dialectics is illustrated by Marx’s and Kierkegaard’s line in modern philosophy (discrepancy in the conception of unity of being and thinking, contradiction and problem of man). Paradoxical dialectics cannot (and often does not want) fulfill the function of methodology and philosophy of science. It gives birth to its antagonistic complement: a static, metaphysical interpretation of science, its logic and methodology. Logic and methodology of science overcomes gradually by itself, by its development, the idealistic and static conception of science. The idea of openness of scientific theories and internal historical character of science asserts itself in it. An urgent need arises to explain dialectical structures and procedures of theoretical thought. Dialectics must take its due place in the general methodology of science. To complete this task, it is necessary to acquire everything which was attained by the mathematical logic and semiology in the methodology of science. To begin with, it is necessary to prove that dialectics is undoubted.
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