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Volume 77 (2022), 3

Original Articles

(Original title: Aristippos a zrodenie sokratovského hedonizmu)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 3, 151 - 164.

The article deals with the historical reconstruction of Aristippus’ philosophical activity. The first part shows that the ancient reports distinguish between Aristippus and his later followers, whom doxographers place in the Cyrenaic school. The next two sections analyse the oldest texts that portray Aristippus as Socrates’ follower and compare them with the… Read more

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(Original title: „Belieme“ a „sladneme“ – nový jazyk o svete bez predmetov?)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 3, 165 - 177.

Sextus (Adv. math. VII 191) attributes to the Cyrenaic philosophers a series of curious verbal forms that reduce the language about reality to an account of apprehension of secondary qualities. Sextus himself links this new language with the Cyrenaic tenet that the only standards of knowledge are the affections ( pathē ). The paper… Read more

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(Original title: Aristippov situačný hedonizmus v kontexte sokratovskej a sicílskej tradície myslenia)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 3, 178 - 191.

The following study deals with Aristippusʼ philosophy of hedonism and it is divided into three main parts. In the first part we analyse the problematic relation between Aristippusʼ philosophy and Socratic tradition of thought. In the second part we identify the possible affinity between Aristippusʼ philosophy and the so-called Sicilian way of life and we argue… Read more

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(Original title: Kráľovský pes: Aristippos z Kyrény a výchova prostredníctvom pôžitkov)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 3, 192 - 204.

Socrates is commonly viewed as a model of rational argumentation and ascetic behavior. However, there is a different way of Socratic thinking – the Cyrenian school with its founder Aristippus of Cyrene. This philosopher was considered a radical hedonist for whom good life was fulfilled only with pleasure. Our paper has two main goals: 1) in the first part of this… Read more

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(Original title: Perspektívy inferencializmu v sémantike morálneho diskurzu)
Filozofia, 77 (2022), 3, 205 - 221.

The aim of the paper is to point out that semantic inferentialism is a suitable semantic theory of moral discourse. This aim is pursued by comparison of semantic inferentialism with another two popular semantic approaches to moral discourse, namely representational and expressivist approaches. While the representationalism claims that statements gain their… Read more

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