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Volume 76 (2021), 7

Original Articles

(Original title: Telesnosť ako excentrická pozicionalita v antropológii a filozofii biológie Helmutha Plessnera)
Filozofia, 76 (2021), 7, 487 – 498.

The aim of the text is to analyse the impact of the project of philosophical anthropology elaborated by Helmuth Plessner, which will be demonstrated on the concept of corporeality seen in the framework of excentric positionality. In the first part of the text, we analyse the interference of philosophical anthropology and phenomenology (on the examples of lived… Read more

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(Original title: Naozaj Frege plagizoval stoikov?)
Filozofia, 76 (2021), 7, 499 – 520.

The similarity between logic and semantics of the Stoics and Frege has long been known, and it can be explained in various ways. In 2021, Susane Bobzien published a work in which she explains this similarity rather surprisingly: she hypothesizes that Frege generously helped himself with the foundations of Stoic logic as it was published in the first volume of… Read more

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