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Publication Details

Hegel in Hungarian and Slovak Philosophy of the 19th Century

(Original title: Hegel v maďarskej a slovenskej filozofii 19. storočia)
Filozofia, 71 (2016), 10, 845-857.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

The article sheds light on the reception of Hegel’s philosophy in Hungarian and Slovak philosophical thought of the 19th century. It tries to answer the question: Why the canonizations of Hegel in these two philosophical milieus differ? The canonization itself is rendered as a process and result of controversial coaction of subversive doings of the respective national subjects as well as the protecting interventions of political power. Two arguments, which have as yet been omitted, are offered in support of this thesis: (1) The reception of Hegel in the Monarchy, i.e. also in Hungary, has been in the 19th century strongly determined by the established cultural and teaching politics, which (especially in the second half of the 19th century) preferred Herbart’s philosophy rejecting at the same time Hegel’s ideas. (2) Hegel’s system became in Hungarian as well as in Slovak philosophy closely connected with the respective conceptions of national philosophy. It was the character of these national philosophies that influenced the reception of other ideas including those of Hegel.


Canonization, Hegel, Herbart, National philosophy

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