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Publication Details

Narcist Adoration of Body and the End of Postmodern Culture

(Original title: Zbožštenie tela v narcizme a koniec postmodernej kultúry)
Filozofia, 63 (2008), 4, 344-351.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

In their narcist and consumer approaches to life postmodern humans adorate the human body. Nevertheless, in contemporary world the cult of body has been replaced by body show. The ideals of good life disappeared, it is the show that counts. Healthy or beautiful bodies are no more important. What counts is presenting them as such. Under the pressure of the consumer society, narcism and show the values are decaying. As a consequence, postmodern culture comes to an end. Pluralism of values as the ideal of postmodern culture disintegrated, being replaced by the play of pleasures.


Good life, Body, Show, Ideals, Values, Postmodern culture

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